December birds of the PNW.
Late-afternoon walk at low tide.
Sunset on Camano Island.
It’s been another good reading year. Here are five of my favorites with brief reviews of each.
Mt. Baker, approaching the Anacortes Ferry Terminal.
Mount Rainier at dawn.
Christmas dusk on Camano Island, WA.
Merry Christmas!
Poking me head in here during my Advent break from social media to point to this article I wrote about… Advent.
This week’s newsletter, provoked by a head-scratching interview with historian James McPherson about the 1619 Project.
Breakfast with my favorite 5-yr-old.
Thinking about James Baldwin and Ta-Nehisi Coates in Paris … and the fanatical white people back home.
When it comes to racial reconciliation/justice, many white people begin by asking people of color, “Will you teach me?”
Instead, I’d suggest that white people first ask ourselves: Am I willing to see, stand for, suffer with, and submit myself to people of color?
Day-off baking: donuts & bacon.
Publication is still a few months away, but it seems like Rediscipling the White Church is actually going to happen.
We use Eucharsitic Prayers in our Communion liturgy and I’m always amazed at how timely the prayers are.
In an anti-racism training today. This understanding of racism is so key to reckoning with its scope and what is required to resist racial injustice.
A few of my companions on my walk through Jackson Park yesterday: Hermit Thrush, Downy Woodpecker, Brown Creeper, and White-breasted Nuthatch.
Had the good fortune of being given two of the new Library of America collection, What I Stand On: The Collected Essays of Wendell Berry 1969-2017. I’ve listed one on ebay at $30.00 off the sticker price.
Au revoir Paris.
A rainy morning breakfast - croissant, omelette, and espresso - at Café de Flore, one of James Baldwin’s regular spots.
You were beautiful Crete. Our favorite.
A reflection on the hug that has us all talking. The Offense of Grace: Botham and Brandt Jean and White Christian America’s Refusal to be Forgiven
A beautiful day on the west coast of Crete.
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