A few of the voices in my head as I begin writing this next chapter.
Today we had the opportunity to host three other churches for a community worship service. What an amazing way to close out 2018!
On what my scaredy-cat has taught me about being one and pastoring others.
A family hike at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Glad to be home.
I reread my friend @JoseHumphreys’s new book as research for the chapter I’m working on and was reminded again of just how good it is. If you’re in any way interested in church/theology stuff I can’t recommend it enough.
A Christmas woodpecker?
Christmas Eve in Brownsville, TN.
Decorating Christmas cookies.
It’s too late for your Christmas shopping, but here are some short reflections about five of the books I most enjoyed this year.
A few thoughts provoked by the chapter I finished writing this morning: Children, Discipleship, and the Painful Way of Jesus.
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. They must, they have no other models. That is exactly what our children are doing. They are imitating our immorality, our disrespect for the pain of others.”
J. Baldwin
“Away From The Manger: The Refugee King” by @LizViceOFFICIAL might be more apt after Christmas but, especially this year, it’s the song we need right now.
An early Christmas gift.
Would I have supported Fannie Lou Hamer’s efforts with the Freedom Party or seen her as a threat to my comfort & privilege? Will I join those who who stand in her tradition of grassroots organizing for racial justice… or sit quietly on the sidelines?
Racist complicity does not require racist intent.
Me, to our kids: Advent is a season of waiting, remembering the anticipation of Jesus’ birth.
Just about ready to write this next chapter. How does the church reckon seriously with the deforming discipleship of privilege and supremacy inflicted upon our white children by a racialized society?
“It is astonishing how many ways we manage to devise for using the Bible to avoid a believing obedience, both personal and corporate, in receiving and following the Word made flesh.”
Eugene Peterson, Eat this Book
Enjoying some sunshine on our afternoon walk through the meadow.
Some of the ways Christians are culturally out of step:
We won’t kill anyone, ever. We won’t dehumanize anyone. We’ll tell the truth about everything. We’ll worship the triune God, only & always.
And we’ll confess every time we miss these marks, falling again into grace.
Sunday walk with my favorite person.
Ministry folks: What books about children ministry do you recommend? Especially interested in authors of color.
Fascinating cover from the April, 1984 cover of @CTmagazine, though the real treasure is the thoughtful interview with Jaques Ellul.
Searching for shells.
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