• Attending with affection. This is what the authors of the books I read this year helped me do. I wrote about a few of them here.

  • “At the heart of the lifework of many artists I have known is a simple but profound statement: ‘I object.’” (Barry Lopez)

  • We’re in no hurry to get home so we spent a few hours exploring Springfield, including Lincoln’s home (that’s the desk where he wrote the “House Divided” speech: “I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.”) and the State Capitol.

  • The Cahokia Mounds, about 15 minutes outside of St. Louis on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, are mind blowing even on a rainy morning. Site of the largest pre-Colombian Indigenous city north of Mexico, the city was home to up to 40,000 people.

  • The Cahokia Mounds, about 15 minutes outside of St. Louis on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, are mind blowing even on a rainy morning. Site of the largest pre-Colombian Indigenous city north of Mexico, the city was home to up to 40,000 people.

  • The view of St. Louis from the Gateway Arch includes the Old Courthouse, site of slave auctions and the unsuccessful attempts by Dred and Harriet Scott to sue for their freedom.

  • The City Museum in Saint Louis 100% lived up to the hype. The 8-yr-old, 13-yr-old, and both 45-yr-olds had a blast!

  • We’re spending the morning in Memphis so we had to walk by First Beale Street Baptist Church. Ida B. Wells co-owned and published her first newspaper, Free Speech and Headlight from the church property.

  • Our family is headed to Saint Louis for a few days and we’ll be looking for some good barbecue. Any recommendations for us?

  • Second year in a row that my Christmas breakfast has been provided by Frontera in O’Hare. Best thing about this airport IMO.

  • “Lord Jesus, you come to renew all creation, and your birth is the rebirth of the world. Grant that your Church may spread the Good News to the ends of the earth, as a song of thanksgiving to the praise of God, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.” (BDP)

    Merry Christmas!

  • After braving the -1 degree temps and gusting winds walking to the train satiation, I ducked into the platform shelter to find a woman exclaiming into her phone, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about, it’s not THAT cold!”

    Chicago, what a great town.

  • “So the Word of God came himself, in order that he being the image of the Father, the human being ‘in the image’ might be recreated.” (Athansius, On the Incarnation)

  • Pour forth your grace into our hearts, O Lord, that we to whom the incarnation of your Son Jesus was made knonw by the message of an angel may, by his pasion and death, be brought to the glory of his resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. (Bendictine Daily Prayer)

  • Pour forth your grace into our hearts, O Lord, that we to whom the incarnation of your Son Jesus was made knonw by the message of an angel may, by his pasion and death, be brought to the glory of his resurrection. Through Christ our Lord.

    • Bendictine Daily Prayer
  • A beautiful afternoon to meander around Waterfall Glen in the Chicago suburbs.

  • Bumped into a Red-tailed Hawk (I think) enjoying its freshly caught squirrel breakfast on my walk this morning.

  • Pumpkin molasses sourdough, fresh from the oven on this rainy Chicago morning.

  • A good day for a misty walk through the park.

  • The Peugeot Sound is alway beautiful, especially to my Midwestern eyes.

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