• Prepping some very gingery cookies for the oven.

  • Finished Taking America Back for God this afternoon and if I was pastoring a different sort of church than the one I am, I’d be spending a lot of time revisiting it.  📚

  • It’s been quite a good reading year.

  • Within cultures of destruction and exploitation, the way of harmony usually seems radical.

    From my latest newsleter.

  • I cannot stand when people stand to sing the national anthem…I ask myself the question, “What do we have to hail?” When actually, “the land of the free and the home of the brave” means “the land of the tree and the home of the grave” in Mississippi.

    Fannie Lou Hamer

  • Since each culture, each generation, and each congregation has aspects of individuality, each generation of pastors… has to build his or her own supersturcture of pastoral work. But we don’t, and we must not, lay our own foundations.

    Eugene Peterson  📚

  • Muir Woods did not dissapoint.

  • The good life, along this grain, can’t be attained by coercion, manipulation, or violence. There is just the simple invitation to harmonize our lives with God.

    Life Below the Surface

  • 🛬Oakland.

  • Our last night on the beach.

  • Quite the view, 450 feet above the lake.

  • Walking back to our campsite, another beautiful Michigan dusk as our backdrop.

  • The s’more, perfected.

    (Trick is to melt the chocolate on the graham cracker by placing it near your campfire.)

  • Good morning from Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

  • Alligator Hill, surrounded on all sides by plump, wild blackberries with a view of Lake Michigan below.

  • That rarest of things, a vacation Sunday, means lunch at Lula Cafe before a stroll thru the impressive Logan Sqare farmers’ market.

  • New stack. Have you read any of these? I’m about a third of the way through WOLF HALL. Which should I pick up next?

  • Blackberry hand pies for tonight’s picnic.

    (When it comes to fruit pies, looks is secondary to taste, right?)

  • A good way to begin the vacation.

  • Our 7-yr-old’s birth mom baked him a treasure chest birthday cake and we’re all super impressed!

  • My coworker for the morning. She’s studying for an exam while I prep a sermon. Pretty great!

  • Good morning, Chicago.

  • Cool fountain on a warm morning.

  • We are visiting Wisconsin and the local NPR affiliate is doing an in-depth call-in segment about people’s favorite ice cream and I am moving here now.

  • In today’s newsletter I share a Juneteenth sermon: There is Freedom.

    “Those early June 19th worship services and parades and public celebrations were more than a commemoration of the past- they were a proclamation of freedom into the future… freedom is always meant to be lived.”

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